
Manna interview: A pioneering journey

11th January 2022

Trevor James became a pioneer in Keynsham in November 2019. Read more about his journey.

Meeting old friends and welcoming new ones at the annual Reader Day Service

7th October 2021

Licensing a new Reader and welcoming those new to the diocese

New housing guide for clergy

16th September 2021

A new A-Z guide for those living in clergy housing is now available on the diocesan website. The guide contains the information needed to clarify the responsibilities of living in a clergy home and to help clergy and their family enjoy their home.

God calls…everyone, everywhere

28th July 2021

Archdeaconry Days - 6 to 12 February 2022

Twin my Vaccine campaign raises more than £120,000

20th April 2021

Hundreds give generously to Revd Scott and Rowan Patterson's JustGiving page set up to help the world's poorest get the coronavirus vaccine.

'Twin my Vaccine' campaign raises more than £100,000

15th February 2021

Revd Scott Patterson and his wife Rowan's Just Giving campaign to help the world's poorest get the coronavirus vaccine

Prayer card for people at home due to coronavirus

5th February 2021

We have produced a prayer card which parishes are welcome to use to put through the doors of those who are self isolating.

Martin Gillmore - a life remembered

5th February 2021

Prayers have been said for Martin Gillmore, Bath and Wells Diocesan Chaplain among nomadic people, who died at the weekend.

An 'awesome and magnificent' weekend of ordinations for deacons

5th February 2021

Over the weekend (26 and 27 September) in four intimate services in the Lady Chapel of Wells Cathedral, 17 new deacons were ordained.

2020 interns get a taste for ministry

5th February 2021

Five new Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) participants have taken to their new roles in various churches around the diocese. They are all taking on different roles which will help them understand what ministry in the Church of England is like.

Listen to the Pioneering Plus Podcast

5th February 2021

The Bath and Wells Podcast, Pioneering Plus will be a series of conversations exploring the places where God already is, and the church may not yet be!

New LecDeck app launched

3rd February 2021

After a successful launch in October 2019, the LecDeck youth and children's ministry resource is kicking-off the new Lectionary year with the launch of Year B and the LecDeck App for Android and Apple iOS.

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