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Safeguarding Leadership Chaplaincy+ - 29 Aug and 5 Sep
Part 1: Thursday 29 August 2:30 - 5:30pm
Part 2: Thursday 5 September 10:30am - 1:30pm
Click here to book your place on our Safeguarding Eventbrite page
This course is delivered in person at Bath Abbey, 9 Kingston Buildings, Bath BA1 1LT. There are two compulsory sessions: Session 1 (2:30 - 5:30pm) on Thursday 29th August and Session 2 (10:30am - 1:30pm) on Thursday 5th September 2024. There is also pre-course work that must be completed prior to attendance and a post-course reflective exercise.
Attendance at both sessions is necessary to complete the course. Please ensure you can attend both dates at the same time before you book. There is also a course booklet to complete and submit before attendance at the first session. A link to the booklet will be included in your confirmation email.
This Safeguarding Leadership Chaplaincy+ learning pathway has been built around the National Safeguarding Standards. The course content reflects the National Safeguarding Team expectations and requirements for Safeguarding Leadership. However, it has been tailored specifically to support and reflect the varied contexts in which chaplains serve.
Please ensure that your Basic Awareness and Foundation training have been completed before booking on to this course. Both can be accessed online via the Church of England's Safeguarding Portal.
By the end of this pathway participants will:
- Understand what healthy culture in chaplaincy communities look like and how chaplaincies work in partnership with their organisations and churches to keep people safe and prevent abuse.
- Connect the Church’s mission and theological foundations with what behaviour look like in a safeguarding context, exploring how their own faith, beliefs, and values link with these.
- Recognise when risk assessment and management processes are required, understanding when, why and how they must be utilised.
- Understand more of the impact that abuse and trauma have on individuals’ lives, relationships, and interactions in a community setting, leading to better responses to victims and survivors.
- Evaluate aspects of their own practice and identify changes required which they then take forward with confidence.
Please note: if you need to cancel your attendance at either part of the course, please do inform us with as much notice as possible so the two sessions can be offered to someone else.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via training.safeguarding@bathwells.anglican.org