The responsibilities and duties of Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) are set out in the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956.
Under the Church Representation Rules PCCs must hold an Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). At the APCM the annual report and financial statements for the previous year are presented and officers are appointed for the current year. The APCM can take place as soon as the annual financial statements are finalised, but no later than 31 May.
Membership of church electoral rolls and the management of Parochial Church Meetings and Councils is governed by the Church Representation Rules. More information about the rules is available on Church of England's Church Representation Rules web page..
Your responsibilities for the care of parish records are outlined on the Church of England website and in the Keep or Bin leaflet.
The Parish Guidelines for Preventing Bullying and Harassment are available for download below for your reference.
When a parish has no churchwardens, the incumbent or priest in charge and the PCC need to agree how the church wardens’ duties will be allocated. Guidance on this is downloadable below.
Who to contact
Peter Evans, Assistant Diocesan Secretary
APCM 2020 Bishops' Signed instrument re APCM and elections - January 2021
Parish guidelines for preventing bullying and harrassment
Annual return of Parish Officers – Place Audit
Guide to the responsibilities where there are no churchwardens.