Pupil Chaplaincy


Pupil Chaplaincy is a ministry exercised by young people in their schools. It is part of our diocesan desire to see people of all ages participate in leadership and ministry.

Pupil Chaplains can be of almost any age, in primary schools, secondary schools or FE colleges. The role could also be adapted for Universities.  Pupil Chaplains [or Student Chaplains] work with a School Chaplain, member of staff or leader of the local church.  With this adult support, they fulfil many of the roles of chaplaincy. For instance:

  • Listening and Pastoral Care: Listening to their fellow pupils and offering pastoral care, within the context of the school structures and policies.  They could take on roles such as playground buddies or peer mentors.
  • Worship and Spirituality:  Helping to plan and lead collective worship, festival services in church or prayer spaces in school. Pupil chaplains could perhaps help to lead one Collective Worship or Church Service per half-term.
  • Community Outreach: Reaching out into the community, for instance, leading fundraising for a foodbank and visiting the foodbank, or leading an environment project.
  • Learning more about Christian faith: We don’t ask that pupil chaplains are committed Christians. We do ask that they want to learn more about Christianity.  Pupil Chaplains will meet regularly with those who support them to learn more about faith and to plan and reflect on their ministry.

Below you will find a Pupil Chaplaincy toolkit and other resources which we hope are helpful. Some of these, such as letters to parents/carers and role descriptions can easily be adapted for your context. The majority of the content in this toolkit is drawn from the Primary sector, but there are also growing numbers of Pupil Chaplains in Secondary Schools. In all of this we have been inspired by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton and are grateful for their support.  


Pupil Chaplaincy Toolkit

Primary School Chaplaincy RD

Primary School Parental Information

Pupil Chaplain Application Form

Who to contact

If you would like to explore or create Pupil Chaplaincy in your school, and you have any questions about it, please contact Cheryl Govier, Assistant Director of Education.

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