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New Chairs of Governors: Leading in a Church School
For new and recently appointed Chairs and those who wish to update their knowledge. This course, written by an experienced Chair of Governors, will give you all the skills and information you need to get started and be effective immediately. The course will include looking at the key roles and responsibilities of a governing body with specific reference to the Chair’s role. There will be advice and guidance on issues Chairs of Governors find themselves faced with, including:
- Managing your relationship with your head teacher
- Head teacher’s performance management
- Leading a volunteer group
- Managing and working with your clerk
- Your role in preparing for inspections
- Engaging with your parent body and more
This session is also suitable for Chairs in non-church schools and is complimentary to the sessions run by the local authority.
Online via Zoom
Book your place for this event.
For further information please contact Felicity Cobley, email: felicitycobley@bathwells.anglican.org.