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Church School Governance Part 1
This two-part training session is suitable for foundation representatives and those in other governance roles in both maintained and academy church schools (including school governors and trustees). Please note, this course is mandatory for all newly appointed foundation representatives.
Session 1 is a general course that covers the importance of good governance in any school, focusing on key governor activities. It is suitable for someone new to governance or as a refresher for a more experienced governor. We will also cover key areas that are unique in a church school and start familiarising the delegate with areas that will be covered in greater depth in the second session. This session will provide participants with practical knowledge they can apply to their setting.
Topics covered in this session include:
- An introduction to the Diocese and support available for foundation governors
- An introduction to the core functions of governance – what this looks like in practice
- Why governors are an important part of the education landscape and why their role is a strategic one
- The importance of asking challenging questions
- What Governor monitoring is and why it is important
- A brief introduction to the following areas in context of governance: SIAMS; vision and ethos; the Church of England Vision for Education; collective worship and RE
Online via Zoom
Book your place for this event.
For further information please contact Felicity Cobley, email: felicitycobley@bathwells.anglican.org.