Worship and teaching - 6 quick wins

Here are 6 quick wins to embed creation care in your worship and teaching.


10 points

Once a year, your church leader preaches about caring for God’s Earth.


10 points

Once a week, say a prayer for environmental issues.


10 points

Once a quarter, celebrate God’s Earth with a song or hymn during a service.


5 points

Every quarter, within your church’s means of communications (email, newsletter, website), include a piece relating to caring for the environment.


20 points

Once a year, include caring for the environment as a teaching theme for your church’s children or youth work.


20 points

There are fifty-two Sundays every year! On just one of those Sundays, hold a special service dedicated to caring for God’s Earth.


The targets



Bronze Award

27.5 points required


Silver Award

55 points required


Gold Award

82.5 points required

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