“Ah – that’s what you look like in person.” “I did enjoy singing hymns again.”
This was the delighted reaction of some of the Readers gathered to celebrate Reader Ministry in person with their family and friends for the first time in 12 months. Last year, the new Readers were licensed in the chapel at the Bishops Palace in a socially distanced, limited numbered service. This year it was all very different; they reaffirmed in their ministry in Wells Cathedral at the Annual Readers’ Day Service.
One new Reader, Beverley Harris was licensed and made his affirmation alone in front of the congregation. We also welcomed Readers from other dioceses into the Bath and Wells fold – Frank Heggs, Penny Holt, Kevin Lawrence, Mike Lee and Nick Lewis.
In the morning the Readers held a training session together in person at Flourish House before going on to the Cathedral for the service led by Bishop Ruth, in the afternoon.

Ruth Cook a Reader from Taunton and a member of the Readers Council said, “It was good for all the Readers to rededicate themselves afresh. It is a day with laughter, music and time to share fellowship with each other. But also it’s a time when we can take our calling seriously and give thanks for each other. For those who minister alone, it gives encouragement that they are part of a large team of fellow Readers. And on Sunday it's back to our parishes with a new enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose.”