Phase 2 of the Common Fund consultation coming to a close
26th April 2024The last of the phase two Common Fund consultations took place last night (25 April). The feedback form will remain open until midnight on Sunday, 28 April.
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The last of the phase two Common Fund consultations took place last night (25 April). The feedback form will remain open until midnight on Sunday, 28 April.
Phase two of the Common Fund Consultation takes place from 15 to 25 April 2024. An in-person event is taking place in each archdeaconry, and two on Zoom.
More than 250 people have now attended sessions for the Common Fund consultation which is currently underway.
Over 70 people attended the first Common Fund consultation at St James, Taunton on Tuesday, 30 January, to discuss the proposed changes to the way we calculate what parishes are requested to contribute into our Common Fund.
From Lament to Action, domestic violence, care for creation and financial matters were just some of the items on the agenda for members of Diocesan Synod gathered at Canalside in Bridgwater on Saturday, 25 November.
Welcome to the first Registry Update with information about legal matters for parishes
The diocesan Finance team are hosting a series of training sessions for treasurers later in the year. There will be three sessions in total, two face-to-face and one online session.
Over 400 people from across the parishes of our diocese, including treasurers, PCC secretaries, churchwardens and clergy, have taken part in a series of Zoom sessions to talk about our finances.