Celebrating 40 Years of Crook Peak United Parish
31st January 2025A month of exciting events for all the community across the united parish to celebrate 4 decades of Crook Peak Parish.
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A month of exciting events for all the community across the united parish to celebrate 4 decades of Crook Peak Parish.
30 leaders from across the South West gather in Taunton for the launch of the programme's first regional partnership
This Lent use the Church Urban Fund's Growing Good Toolkit to reflect on the call to love God and your neighbour
Churchwarden praises everyone's hardwork and determination saying, "Nothing is too hard or impossible if it is in keeping with God’s will and for His glory."
St. John the Evangelist Church in Highbridge took a fresh approach to their Christingle celebration by cutting down on the waste traditionally left behind Instead, they introduced an innovative “almost fully edible” Christingle and made angel wings from recycled milk containers.
Four farms around the diocese hosted 'Journey to Bethlehem', an interactive retelling of the Christmas story for younger children. In each location churches worked with farmers to welcome school groups onto the farm, to bring the story of Jesus’ birth to life.
Revd Jon Ball shares with Manna the hope created by reaching out to the community on a new housing development.
“In response to God’s immense love for us, we seek to be God’s people, living and telling the story of Jesus.”
It was an opportunity for pupil chaplains to connect with others from different contexts, learn more about their roles and to celebrate what they are doing together.
...'their Christian journey has brought them to a new place, of commitment, of love, of God and a willingness to serve God in the world.'
Diocesan Synod took place on Saturday (16 November), with nearly half of the members newly appointed and attending for the first time. Bishop Michael welcomed all the new members in his presidential address, before addressing the recent Makin Report and resignation of Archbishop Justin.
We hold all those preparing for Confirmation that they may be filled with the Holy Spirit, rooted in love and strengthened in faith.
A wonderful opportunity to talk, think, discuss and pray together.
The Hub, established in partnership with Movement, is designed to support young leaders by offering a collaborative space to learn.
Children from each class played a central part in the service, taking part in a performance, poetry reading, singing, and prayer.
Hundreds celebrate with a community lunch inside the newly transformed building
Centred around a wildlife photography competition that attracted close to 500 entries, the festival provided an opportunity to come together to think about and pray for creation.
“Deeply valued the opportunity to connect with people, hear their stories and journey alongside them."
The Holiday Club, run by St Francis of Assisi Church run for more than 25 years, arose in response to the community’s needs.
"A wonderful 24 hours"