"It was a wonderful time to hear different testimonies, to reflect and to celebrate the multiple ways that God is working and using people."
People from across the diocese gathered in Bath for The Celebration of Lay Ministries at Bath Abbey, to give thanks for all those who have responded to God’s call upon their lives, and to acknowledge those who have completed a diocesan course such Exploring Christianity, Exploring Worship, Exploring Pastoral Care, Exploring Chaplaincy and CMS Pioneer certificate during the past year.
Joining the service at Bath Abbey were guest speakers Jonny Baker Director of Mission Education with the Church Mission Society (CMS) and Carrie Myers, Lay Ministries Officer with the National Ministry team. Members of Movement provided the music. Jill Perrett Bath and Wells Lay Ministries Enabler, said “In this diocese we are super proud of the range of lay ministries. The church would not function without the gifts and energies people bring. We are so thankful for those who are trainers who have taught and led training, those who have seen potential and encouraged people to explore a gifting: those who have helped with discernment, as well as families an friends who have been alongside offering support.”
Jill invited members of each course to stand as the congregation applauded them. And in recognition of those members of the NHS who have worked so valiantly during the covid crisis, a lone trumpeter played a fanfare and everyone clapped, as the nation had, each Thursday evening during lockdown.
Paul Wykes a Police Chaplain, Emily Hatton a Youth Worker and Donna Pilgrim a Reader in training, all stepped forward to share something of their ministry. Donna from Weston super Mare told her story. “I call my ministry the ministry of the ordinary. That’s why I’m always in jeans, I am an ordinary everyday sort of person. I feel God is calling me to be present everyday not just on a Sunday and I remind myself of that every day, not just when I am doing the official stuff on a Sunday.”
In her reflection Jill spoke of being clothed with Christ and invited everyone to take the items of clothing given to them, hang them up and tie a lable to them, in doing so they symbolically shed the labels these clothes represent. Everyone then made a different label, one made of red cloth, and wore it as a sign of putting on love.
“We stand and together we say
We are the people of God,
clothed with Christ’s love,
serving God’s mission in God’s world.”
You can see more photos from the day on the Bath and Wells Facebook page.