St Peter’s church in Ilton was built in the 14th century. Some parts of the fabric of the building incorporate fragments which date back even further to the 12th and 13th centuries. Sadly, this magnificent church is now in urgent need of repair.
Difficulties arose in February 2020 when lead sheet roofing covering the north aisle was stolen leaving the building at risk from the elements. Subsequent flooding caused considerable damage to the north aisle floor, pews, walls and window masonry. A grant from the COVID-19 Emergency Heritage At Risk Response Fund from DCMS administered by Historic England, together with an insurance pay-out meant the roof could be replaced, and the affected floor restored, but more work is needed.
Though St Peter's remains in crisis there is hope on the horizon thanks to community support. Following a meeting held to discuss the repair needs and future sustainability of the church a project team is to be formed with members from the wider community who are keen to see this lovely church restored.
Those attending the meeting also discussed their vision for the future of the church building. With plans already in place to introduce facilities, it’s hoped the project will result in a community asset that will be valued and useful to all.
Bath and Wells Buildings Adviser Emma Brown who attended the meeting said, “It was a good turnout, with a positive outcome. Raising the funds is going to take hard work and determination, but it was hugely encouraging that commitment was pledged by the community, who are passionate to keep the church open and at the heart of their village.”