There were smiles all round at Saltford Primary School as they unveiled their new chat mat wall mural. The mural, which has taken weeks of planning, preparation and painting was officially opened by School Foundation Governor Emma King and Revd Daile Wilshere who have both been instrumental in getting the project off the ground.
Based on the Go Team’s Bible chat mats, the mural was, like the mats themselves designed by Revd Andy Gray, Bath and Wells Faith Sharing Enabler, who also happens to be a very talented artist.
Headteacher Dawn Sage said: “The mural itself was designed and drawn by Reverend Andy Gray and every child in the school sent him a drawing with their ideas. Many thanks to St Marys church who have funded and coordinated the project – with a special mention of Emma King– who has shown huge dedication in ensuring Andy’s design was completed to such an amazing standard.”
Emma said, “It was lovely to be able to have people in to the school to show it off. It was really lovely to go in after the summer and see it again, I’d forgotten how big it was and how amazing it is. I thought, ‘wow’, we actually did that. What’s lovely now there are no covid bubbles in the school, is that all the children are allowed to eat in the lunch hall and they have to pass the mural to get there. So now they can look at all the different things and see the bits that they painted or designed.”
At the official opening, Emma recalled the time during the design process when she took the children’s art work to the post office to send to Andy. The lady in the post office asked her what the parcel of photos was worth and Emma replied ‘priceless’, because she said, “you can’t put a price on something so precious.”