Fresh Expression Hubs

Hubs are places where people come together from different churches, experiences, and contexts to share what they are thinking, doing and learning.  Through the Hub ideas and learning can be exchanged and enriched.  We try to encourage each other and grow in confidence in sharing the gospel and creating worship and community experiences for those outside the church currently.

Hubs are open to anyone – there is no membership criteria and you are welcome to come once, or every time there is a Hub gathering.  If you are on our email list we will send you notice of the next Hub meeting in advance.

Each Hub – Messy, CaféNew HousingOutdoorDying and Bereavement – meets at least once a year.  Each Hub gathering will happen in three different venues (one in each Archdeaconry) around the same time and they will be roughly the same in content, although they vary a bit as the host church is invited to tell its own story as part of the event and this can send conversations off in a variety of directions.

We try to be responsive to what the participants want to talk about although there is usually a plan to start off with.  If you would like a particular topic to be discussed at a Hub, please get in touch.

Who to contact

To add your name to the email list or find out more about Hubs to grow Fresh Expressions of church, please contact: Richard Priestley New Christian Communities Development Lead.

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