Churchwardens' training

Churchwardens are key lay leaders in parishes. They have a significant role to play in the tone and flourishing of their church community and how it is perceived in the wider community, alongside particular legal responsibilities.

Each year, the Archdeacons host two days to come together, explore the role, offer up to date guidance, and provide opportunities for discussion and mutual support, as well as the answers to specific questions. The days are open to existing and potential Churchwardens. Some churches appoint deputy churchwardens with a view to them perhaps serving as Churchwardens in the future. The training days can give a very good picture of what to expect when in office.

The Archdeacons and the team from Mission Support and Ministry Development organise the days and they are advertised at the Archdeacons' Visitations.

The Churchwardens' Handbook

The handbook is downloadable from the bottom of this page.

Training Days 2024

The first Churchwardens' training day of the year took place on Saturday, 13 July and the slides from the day can be downloaded below.

The next training day takes place on Saturday, 28 September. Join us for an opportunity to meet members of support services and learn more about different aspects of the role. Register to attend.

Links for Churchwardens

The following links may be of interest:

Who to contact

If you have any questions about training or support then please either contact your Archdeacon's office or Julia Hill.


Churchwardens' Handbook July 2024 edition

Churchwardens' Day July 2024 slides pdf

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