Environment resources and inspiration

Environmental Newsletter

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Pathway to Net Zero 2030

Visit the Diocese of Leeds website and download their helpful toolkit, it's a great resource to help churches on the Pathway to Net Zero.

Youth and children's resources

The Diocese of Bath and Wells Environment team has published a series of activity sheets for young children. Download them from the bottom of the page.

Outdoor worship

As the restrictions are gradually being lifted, many church congregations and local communities may be looking for opportunities to safely resume some activities. This might include making use, or more use, of your churchyard and outside areas in the parish. Find out more about how to organise outdoor worship.

Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with God and all creation by joining with our ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home. It runs from 1st September to 4th October. This period, which includes the traditional Harvest season, is increasingly being used by churches around the world to focus on caring for creation, highlighting the environmental challenges we face and how the church can respond. There are many great online resources for celebration, prayer, reflection and action. These include:

  • The Church of England – a wide range of resources themed around ‘Jubilee for the Earth’.
  • Season of Creation webpage – excellent international, ecumenical resources plus information on how to sign up and participate
  • Climate Sunday is an ecumenical initiative encouraging churches to hold a ‘Climate Sunday’ service in the coming year, building momentum before the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, now scheduled for November 2021.
  • A new album of worship songs  created by Resound Worship. Contemporary, congregational worship songs on themes of creation, ecology and Christian hope. You can download the words to the all the songs at the bottom of this page.

Useful websites

The following websites and resources offer useful information on environmental matters:

Who to contact

Sara Emmett, Climate Justice & Environment Advisor


Activities for Children, Young People and Families - 2023

Family environment activities - 1

Family environment activities - 2

Family environment activities - 3

Climate and the Gospel by Bishop David Atkinson

60 steps towards being green

Hedgehog awareness tips

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