
Join us at the on-line public meeting about our new bishop

8th September 2021

As part of the process to identify the next Bishop of Bath & Wells, the diocese will be holding a public meeting and webinar on Zoom at 7.00pm on Monday, 20 September. Find out how you can join in.

Graffiti Prayer Board a hit at the Bath and West Country Festival

7th September 2021

After 18 months of uncertainly, with the Royal Bath and West Show having been cancelled in 2020, over the August bank holiday weekend, a different and scaled down Bath and West Country Festival took place at the showground. Although there were parts of the traditional show missing, lots of trade stands, food and entertainment was on offer for people of all ages.

Prayer Tent back at Watchet Festival

6th September 2021

This August bank holiday weekend was back in the fields overlooking the harbour town; with reduced capacity, lots of hand sanitiser, fresh air and a great line up on the three stages.

Farewell to a treasured friend and much loved colleague

3rd September 2021

Diocese says farewell for Elizabeth Harper who has passed away.

Blues in the Pews

2nd September 2021

Bringing the community together to celebrate the gift of music. St John's Church in Highbridge have been awarded a grant to host a monthly music event called Blues in the Pews. It is an open mic and jam night featuring a house band and is open to everyone in the community.

Joining a national discussion on the rural church

1st September 2021

Kathryn Tucker, Church Warden of Exford and General Synod member has been invited by the Archbishop of York to take part in the national discussions about the rural church. She is to join five others who have been selected to write a blog about the rural church for the national church website. 

Baptism in the River Frome

27th August 2021

Five adults are baptised by full immersion in the river.

A pilgrimage of their own

16th August 2021

Farrington Gurney primary school and High Littleton primary school undertook a pilgrimage of their own for their year six leavers.

An 8 hour organ recital to raise funds for the church

7th August 2021

Brenda Staples plans to play a verse from every hymn in the hymn book

Volunteers wanted for project supporting victims of modern slavery

7th August 2021

Offering telephone and face to face support to survivors, providing them with the help and advice needed to rebuild their lives

'Discovering the story through the narratives of yesterday.'

6th August 2021

Using a lottery grant to tell the history of the church building and share the faith within.

Climate Crisis Day

6th August 2021

Finding out how we can do more to care for God's creation

Diocese reshapes its support teams

3rd August 2021

As the diocese seeks to ensure its work is as local, sustainable and positively impactful as possible, work is underway to reshape the structure of the diocese's Support Services team, which currently includes the Ministry for Mission, Central Services and Education teams.

Chaplain to hedgerows, to pilgrims and pilgrimage

30th July 2021

'A chance to understand your spiritual place in life and to reconnect with God's natural world.'

Stepping down as Lay Chair of Diocesan Synod

30th July 2021

Bishop Ruth thanks Mary Masters for her 'wisdom, knowledge, listening ear and willingness to speak for and on behalf of others', as she steps down after six years as Lay Chair

Bishop Ruth asks us to 'Fix our eyes on Jesus' in her address to Synod

30th July 2021

'Jesus, the one in whom all we need can be found, and the one who holds out his hand to lift us from the fear'

God calls…everyone, everywhere

28th July 2021

Archdeaconry Days - 6 to 12 February 2022

New bishop: have your say!

20th July 2021

As part of the process of finding our new bishop, people across the diocese are being asked to share their views

School mural based on Go Team's Bible Chat Mat initiative

16th July 2021

Primary School brings the community together to design and paint a mural which reflects its Christian values and encourages conversations about the Bible.

Prayers and hymns on the water in the rain

16th July 2021

Revd Ann Gibbs blesses rowing club's two boats before joining the crews for an evening row

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